Sample code to lookup country code against market view and use multiple parameters such as CLI , NONE CLI , TDM and more:
<?php // my login in TCXC $api_login ="ENTER YOUR BUYER USER NAME HERE"; //my API key $api_key = "ENTER YOUR BUYER API KEY"; // initialising CURL $ch = curl_init(); //controller is a script name, so in case lookup.php controller is lookup $controller = "lookup"; //unix timestamp to ensure that signature will be valid temporary $ts = time(); //compose signature concatenating controller api_key api_login and unix timestamp $signature = hash( 'sha256', $controller . $api_key . $api_login . $ts); $params = array( 'ts' => $ts, //provide TS 'signature' => $signature, 'api_login' => $api_login, 'webapi' => '1', // required field 'prefix' => '962', // same parameters as web portal accepts 'searchform' => '1', // same parameters as web portal accepts 'type' => 'CLI', // same parameters as web portal accepts //... ); //query against api. URL curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"$controller.php"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($params)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $server_output = curl_exec ($ch); curl_close ($ch); //analyze JSON output echo "$server_output"; ?>
Sample JSON Response:
[ { "prefix":"1", "vendor_name":"testseller", "connection_name":"tollfree", "i_tariff":"145", "daily_asr":44, "weekly_asr":64, "daily_acd":4:32, "weekly_acd":1, "daily_minutes":0, "weekly_minutes":0, "stats_time":"2017-02-27 02:30:02", "i_connection":"144", "effective_from":"04\/13\/16 4:45PM", "price_1":"0.0023", "price_n":"0.0023", "interval_1":"6", "interval_n":"6", "i_vendor":"114", "capacity_limit":"20", "i_rate":"6483882", "forbidden":"0", "discontinued":"0", "route_type":"CLI", "seller_registration_date":"2013-07-25 13:06:52", "country_code":"", "country_name":"Usa", "description":"Other", "commision_percent":"0", "seller_avg_rating":5, "seller_reviews":55, "rateid":6483882 }, { "prefix":"1", "vendor_name":"Twilio", "connection_name":"Elastic SIP Trunking", "i_tariff":"186", "daily_asr":42, "weekly_asr":63, "daily_acd":8:10, "weekly_acd":13:00, "daily_minutes":99999, "weekly_minutes":20003003, "stats_time":"0000-00-00 00:00:00", "i_connection":"185", "effective_from":"10\/05\/16 2:44PM", "price_1":"0.01", "price_n":"0.01", "interval_1":"1", "interval_n":"1", "i_vendor":"134", "capacity_limit":"111", "i_rate":"6483942", "forbidden":"0", "discontinued":"0", "route_type":"CLI", "seller_registration_date":"2013-11-12 13:57:27", "country_code":"", "country_name":"Usa", "description":"Other", "commision_percent":"0", "seller_avg_rating":5, "seller_reviews":0, "rateid":6483942 } ]