1. Login to your seller account
  2. Click on Routes
  3. Click on Add new Route (For Voice choose SIP)
  4. Enter your Softswitch IP address
  5. Click Add
  6. A massage will appear confirming that route has been added, Click Proceed
  7. Click on the settings icon under action column to start uploading your routes
  8. Click Show/Hide Help
  9. Click on Download (Hyper Link) to download tariff sheet for the routes you want to offer.

Below Guide Explains the upload fields, or you can download the attached sample from this page and edit with your route information.

Here is an example of a fresh sheet to upload a new route to Pakistan for the first time:

Effective From: 

ASAP = Routes to be uploaded to the market place as soon as possible, usually its immediately.

sample date: '2015-01-01 01:01:01'. For rates that don`t have 'Forbidden' or 'Discontinued' flag, rates can only be updated after 48 hours. Special value supported: ASAP. If ASAP is specified as value, the rate will become immediately blocked if 'Forbidden' or 'Discontinued' flag is set, and now + 48 hours for rates with traffic allowed.

NOTE: by default TELECOMSXCHANGE will send you the calls as a seller with no prefix, if you want to receive a certain prefix please add it under "Add Prefix" option. e.g see below image:


When you set the routes to forbidden or discontinued they are immediately removed from market view. they will no longer be available.

The old records are deleted completely from database within 24 hours. so you will have to re-upload the BLOCKED or Discontinued rates again.