TelecomsXChange is introducing the Private Route Exchange tool for all members, both new and existing. This feature can act as a full replacement for a softswitch, potentially saving members thousands of dollars per year.
Many voip service providers currently use a wholesale softswitch to sell routes on the market. The route provider uses a cloud-hosted softswitch to authenticate route buyers and manage routing and billing within the softswitch.
TelecomsXChange already offers most of the technical functionality of a softswitch, but there was previously no way to offer different rates to different buyers based on volume or size. With the Private Route Exchange tool, TCXC members can now offer different rates to different buyers all in one place. This tool also provides everything needed for route publishing, marketing, rate notification handling, and money collection within TCXC.
Here's how the Private Routes Exchange feature will work:
The feature with "Private Routes Exchange" will look like this and include following changes:
- there will be a checkbox "private" that can be set on new or existing route.
- if a user checks "private" checkbox and saves for existing route, all sellers who have it purchasedm, would be auto added to the "private list".
- if the route is "private" seller can edit the list of buyers, for whom the route is available. When buyer is added to the list he would receive an emaikl with route list attached, but he would not auto purchase it. Buyer will purchase the route later on his own.
- If seller removes buyer from "private list", buyers record in purchase routes for this route, also gets auto deleted.
- Market View will support this feature so that only allowed buyers will see the routes available for them. Other users will not see this route and thus not able to purchase it.
Purchase route will also check the ACL during the purchase also ( just for security reasons to make sure it is not possible through web at all).
- Login to seller control panel >> Routes >> Add New Route >> Proceed to new route properties >> Check the Private Exchange Check box >> update settings.
2. Once your done with step one, you will notice a new table at the bottom [ PRIVATE EXCHANGE BUYERS], Search for Buyer Name >> Click Allow.
3. Buyer E-mail Notification : Once you have allowed the Buyer to use the route in a Private Exchange Mode, the Buyer will receive and official e-mail notification offering them the route/rates, the Buyer then logins to the Market view to purchase this route.
NOTE: this route will be only shown in Market view for logged in buyers that are in the allowed list.
Video demonstrating this feature is coming soon...
For more information regarding this feature, please contact .