Make outbound call via Voxbeam service using HTTP API
TCXC API allows developers to make outbound voice calls from their application to any service provider, in this guide we will show you how to send the phone call via service using tcxc api.
<?php $tcxc_host = ""; //TCXC (TelecomsXChange) Buyer login $login = "{{ Buyer_Username }}"; //TCXC (TelecomsXChange) API key, Generated from Buyer Portal, Preferences Page: $api_key = "{{ API_KEY }}"; //TCXC i_account that you want to use for Callback billing, $i_account = 1; // You can get account ID from Accounts Page //legA parameters $cld1 = "19542405555"; //First number to dial $cli1 = "1800999999"; // Caller ID to show first number $i_connection1 = 390; // Carrier to use is Voxbeam Platinum division. //legB parameters $cld2 = "18667478647"; //Second number to dial $cli2 = "962790326274"; //Caller ID t show destination number $i_connection2 = 390; // Carrier to use is Voxbeam , Platinum division. $ts = time(); // Get Current Time Stamp $check_uri = "/api/callback/initiate/$login/$i_account/$cld1/$cli1/$i_connection1/$cld2/$cli2/$i_connection2/$ts/"; // Signing the API key for better security $sign = hash('sha256',$check_uri . $api_key); // initiate the call from your script $handle=curl_init( $tcxc_host . $check_uri . $sign ); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); $content = curl_exec($handle); echo $content;