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The below Quickstart script allows you to pull SDRs for your buyer account on TelecomsXChange via application programming interface.
Endpoint: | |
Required Parameters:
'signature' => $signature,
'api_login' => $api_login,
'prefix' => '', // Country Prefix, leave empty for all
'prefix' => '', // Country Prefix, leave empty for all
'sent' => '1', // Show Successful only, set to 0 for failed
'date_from' => '2018-09-24 17:49:30', // FROM DATE
'date_to' => '2019-09-25 17:49:30' ); // TO DATE
Quickstart Script
<?php // TCXC Buyer Login $api_login ="USERNAME"; //TCXC Buyer API KEY $api_key = "YOUR API KEY"; // initialising CURL $ch = curl_init(); //controller is a script name, so in case c_sms the controller is c_sms $controller = "c_sms"; //unix timestamp to ensure that signature will be valid temporary $ts = time(); //compose signature concatenating controller api_key api_login and unix timestamp $signature = hash( 'sha256', $controller . $api_key . $api_login . $ts); $params = array( 'ts' => $ts, //Provide TS 'signature' => $signature, 'api_login' => $api_login, 'prefix' => '', // Country prefix or empty for all. 'sent' => '1', // 1 for successfull SDRs and 0 for Failed SDRs 'date_from' => '2018-09-24 17:49:30', // FROM DATE 'date_to' => '2019-09-25 17:49:30' // TO DATE ); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,""); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($params)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $server_output = curl_exec ($ch); echo "server_output:$server_output \nparams:".http_build_query($params); ?>
JSON Response:
server_output:{ "status": "success", "sms": [ { "i_message": "44200", "message_id": "gKL510NoFcjyuFYA95g15ajIt1enq-RBaopf", "ts": "2019-08-27 09:11:25", "delivered": "1", "sent": "1", "i_account": "10", "i_customer": "1", "i_connection": "0", "i_vendor": "13", "message_text": "\u0422\u0435\u0441\u0442", "from_number": "380913104703", "to_number": "380671234567", "i_rate": "0", "delivered_in_sec": "1", "error_text": null, "billed_msgs_cnt": "1", "vendor_name": "Nexmo", "account_name": "SMS_XTest", "connection_name": null, "country_name": "UKRAINE", "description": "Mobile - Kyivstar", "billing_price_1": 0, "billing_price_n": 0, "customer_amount": 0 }, { "i_message": "44198", "message_id": "xeWmlikh7AanKpVhgMgAB2jjzQ8z2CZKF84z", "ts": "2019-08-22 13:04:39", "delivered": "1", "sent": "1", "i_account": "10", "i_customer": "1", "i_connection": "0", "i_vendor": "13", "message_text": "Test", "from_number": "380632960026", "to_number": "12014748922", "i_rate": "0", "delivered_in_sec": "1", "error_text": null, "billed_msgs_cnt": "1", "vendor_name": "Nexmo", "account_name": "SMS_XTest", "connection_name": null, "country_name": "United States of America", "description": "Fixed - ROC", "billing_price_1": 0, "billing_price_n": 0, "customer_amount": 0 }, { "i_message": "44197", "message_id": "0VxCcN41o69OWssj9Skk-hViOb3YNz6ECAgq", "ts": "2019-08-14 15:08:59", "delivered": "1", "sent": "1", "i_account": "10", "i_customer": "1", "i_connection": "0", "i_vendor": "13", "message_text": "Hi", "from_number": "380913104703", "to_number": "380677777777", "i_rate": "0", "delivered_in_sec": "1", "error_text": null, "billed_msgs_cnt": "1", "vendor_name": "Nexmo", "account_name": "SMS_XTest", "connection_name": null, "country_name": "UKRAINE", "description": "Mobile - Kyivstar", "billing_price_1": 0, "billing_price_n": 0, "customer_amount": 0 }, { "i_message": "44196", "message_id": "P200J_AfBMLOBi3q_SQJ81JrlJ8CS-chs4MB", "ts": "2019-08-10 11:45:08", "delivered": "1", "sent": "1", "i_account": "10", "i_customer": "1", "i_connection": "0", "i_vendor": "13", "message_text": "Test", "from_number": "96173764000", "to_number": "12014748922", "i_rate": "0", "delivered_in_sec": "1", "error_text": null, "billed_msgs_cnt": "1", "vendor_name": "Nexmo", "account_name": "SMS_XTest2", "connection_name": null, "country_name": "Lebanon", "description": "Mobile", "billing_price_1": 0, "billing_price_n": 0, "customer_amount": 0 },